Thursday, July 31, 2008

Night of pizza, cupcakes, and home decor web surfing

We were suppose to spend the summer figure out all the renovation details and hire a contractor, begin the actual home renovation process around September, and have a grand launch party around Christmas time.

We've been slacking.

Tonight, we holed ourselves up in our apartment with pizza, cupcakes, and our two computers, Happy Meal and McDaddy, and attempted to make some more progress on renovation decisions.

Sean cooks; I take bubble baths. A few weeks ago, we decided to tag team on this renovation effort. Sean focuses on the kitchen; I focus on the bathroom; we review recommendations with each other and voila, decisions. This approach is actually working.

For the bathroom, we've narrowed down choices for a lot of the items. For some reason, it always comes down to two choices and we're at stalemate - Sean prefers one; I prefer the other: sinks, faucets (see below), medicine cabinets, tiles, the list just continues...

Lily's faucet vs. Sean's faucet

I like to think that we both have okay taste and a reasonably good sense in decorations; I guess in the end, whatever we decide, it'd be a vast improvement over our current bathroom... and I get to take my bath :)


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