Thursday, April 19, 2007

TV girl, we miss you!

Strange as it may sound, Lily and I have named many of the people that live across the street from us, since we can see into perhaps two dozen apartments from our place. Our favorite two neighbors, Shirtless Man and TV Girl lived directly across from us, one above the other. They were both home very often and never had guests over, so we assumed they were single and thought perhaps we should hook them up. We think Shirtless Man is gay, actually.

Two months ago, the muscular, V-shaped Shirtless Man moved out, to Lily's shagrin... the Browns moved into his place, and are quite boring by comparison. At least we still had TV Girl. Poor TV Girl, she just sits at home every day after work with the TV on, long into the evening. We could actually see what she was watching. Never anything good, just lots of surfing. We really bonded with TV girl, we felt bad for her. She seemed like a nice person, if not a little shy. I think we could have all been friends. Strangely, we really felt like we knew her.

But last week as I was getting ready for work, I discovered -- TV girl's apartment was bare!! Not even a goodbye! No big packing day... just... empty. Like she had to get away from us in a hurry. Perhaps everyone moves out because of the freakish couple across the street spying on them from the Ghetto Penthouse...


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