Monday, April 09, 2007

Assisting those in need, when they feel like it

Well, I'll start off with a photo: our apartment still has charitable donations piled all over that we can't get rid of. 10 boxes and three pieces of furniture (including a bed). You'd think the charities would be happy to get so much wonderful free stuff from giving people. We've got clothes, kitchen stuff, blankets, towels, even suits and toys for families trying to get a fresh start.

No, they couldn't care less. Salvation Army was the only one willing to come by and pick the stuff up. They gave us a window of time for the pickup (8am to 4pm, great) so I had to sit around the house waiting for them all day... and of course they never showed up. A call to their main office at 4pm: "Oh, they came by this morning but couldn't find a place to park so they left." What?? Why? I'd have paid a $50 parking ticket to get a $3000 tax deduction. I asked them what I could do. Their answer: "Want to try again Thursday?" There will still be a bus lane in front of my house on Thursday. "Hey, we gotta keep the trucks moving, there are millions of people." Millions of people what? Living here? What's that supposed to mean?

I told them I'd might just throw everything out, and they said "OK."


  • I've just joined freecycle in Austin and though I haven't unloaded anything yet, it seems like it might be a good vehicle for you. But, no charitable deduction. :(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:58 PM  

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