Sunday, February 24, 2008

Naked bulb - BE GONE!

We originally bought a lamp last year for our dining room, and have been so busy (read: lazy) that we finally hung it up 13 months later.

What a difference lighting makes! Behold the same room, with a naked bulb (above) vs. a beautiful pendant lamp (below).

Sean hated -- HATED -- the naked bulb SO MUCH that he turned it off everytime he saw it on. Often seconds after Lily just turned it on. (Lily: "Hey! I need light to see in the closet!" Sean: "Grumble, turn off that light! I'll get it." Fumble, dark, bonk, fumble.)

The usual cheapskates we are, this lovely lamp was only $50 at CB2. It was supposed to be a plug-in lamp, but we snipped the plug off and bought a little round medallion in a cheap Chinatown electrical shop for another $3. A little electrical tape later, we have a wonderfully lit room.

Geeks: in stereo!

Only the truest of geeks have matching his-and-hers iMacs and cell phones.

Sick cutesy voices:

Lily: "Hello cutie pie! I am on the phone with you right now!"

Sean: "And we're on video chat too!"

Lily: "Oh isn't this the cutest?"

Sean: "Not as cute as you!"

Lily: "No you!"

Then we cuted each other to death.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Closet poo explained

Friday morning, Sean rides the elevator down to go to work. This happens every day.

On the 8th floor, the elevator door opens and in walks a contractor. All morning long, we heard bangs and crashes and FELT (yes, felt!) the floor shake. Apparently, unit #8G is being renovated.

The contractor and Sean starts talking... and the contractor explains that they are replacing the floors and its a pain because there's tar beneath the floor. A light bulb goes off in Sean's head.

Brer Rabbit and Tar BabyThere you go... closet poo is tar. Brings to mind the story of Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby. Anyone read that story as a kid?