Monday, May 18, 2009

Our tiles arrived!

Half the pile
Our tiles arrived Friday! As they queued up in a pile on the street (50% shown here) a passerby stopped, bent her nose down to one of the tiles, then simply continued walking. We're not sure if she grossly disapproved, or was simply there for quality checks.

Unfortunately the tile company's delivery policy is "to the curb only". And our buildings' policy is "deliveries go through the basement." So Lily and I lugged all 1,000 pounds of stone down the steps from the street and then handtrucked them through our basement and up to our apartment, where they now sit in our dining area in a cute pile shaped like a dining table.

Our super Super saved the day by loaning us his handcart, because I was too numbskullery to think ahead and bring mine home from work. Even still it took about 2 hours.

This was much better than our original plan, which was to take it home on the subway.


  • I lugged like the grout cartons... Sean did most of the heavy lifting. My role was basically to guard the tiles against the passerbys :)

    We start Tuesday. Ahhh!

    By Blogger Lily, at 1:08 PM  

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